Yipee! Your Blog posts are now LIVE on my site!

After weeks of messing around with the behind-the-scenes of my Expressions site, I can finally display all of your blog posts on this homepage.  If you look to your right, you’ll see a new section called “WRT 205 Student Blogs.” This is a running update of all of your most recent posts! Of course I’ve limited the number of posts that actually show up, but each time one of you posts to your blog, it will show up a little while later on this list.

There are some great advantages to this. The best one is that now you guys can see each others’ blog posts, gather ideas from each other, and compare your work.  It might even instill a little competition between you–let’s see who can come up with a catchy post title so others will want to click on their post and read it! One other advantage is that you now will have a concrete public audience–each other.

There is at least one disadvantage that I can think of; if you post your work late, everyone will know.  I hope you’ll be a humble audience and not judge each other for that, though. At least it’s an extra incentive to post your work on time.

I hope that this is one way we can make our digital presence more public, more open, and more conversational.


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